Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I found another movie that I want to see. I saw the trailer to it yesterday on the web. Anyway the movie is called A Haunting in Connecticut. It looks like it will be a good movie. It is based on a true story. Horror movies based on a true story can either suck or be good. It depends on how it was made. I actually have seen a program on tv that I think this movie is based on I could be wrong. I have no idea when it is coming out. At the end of the trailer it said coming soon. It really annoys me when they do that.

Anyway I hope you have a great time tonight, counting down to the New Year. Yet again I want to say I am sorry for not posting frequently lately. My family has been here and I wanted to spend more time with them. So I cut the computer out of my routine. Talk to you in 2009.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

No horror talk today. I just hope you had a happy holiday with your family or whoever you were with. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I have been busy and totally forgot. I actually had a very good Christmas. I am so happy. I got the first season of Poltergiest: The Legacy. Am I the only one who thinks this time of year is hectic? Even if you have your shopping done, there is always something that comes up. Hopefully, I will get to post again before New Year but if I don't have a happy new years.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I liked the Alien movies. I liked the Predator movies. In all honestly, I will admit that I liked the first Alien versus Predator. However, I can't stand the second AVP. I saw no reason for them to make this movie.

If they had to make it they should have made it better. It was very annoying and stupid. The first one sort of made sense. However, the second one was stretching it a little. I do have one more thing to say about the Alien series. I would not mind if they made another movie if they did it right.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I know it isn't a horror movie but I just want to talk about the movie Gremlins. I love that movie. Last night I actually watched the first one. It had been forever since I had seen the first one. Don't get me wrong the second movie is good I just like the first one better. It really surprises me that no one is remaking this movie. It seems they are remaking everything else. Gizmo is my favorite character. In the second one I like how he gets all tough, fighting the gremlins. When I first watched it I was a kid and I was so wanted a animal like Gizmo. He is so cute. Some of the acting in these movies is not the best but it is one of my favorites.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today I want to talk about the Mummy movies. You know the ones with Brendan Fraser. Some people might not agree with me but I think the second one is the best. I didn't really care too much for the third one. Honestly, the special effects were great but the third one didn't catch and hold my attention like the other two.

It wasn't because they switched Evies. I really didn't care about that. Something was missing from the movie. I don't know. Maybe my expectations were too high. It is an okay movie but not one I would want to see over and over again. I like the second one because the little boy makes it funny. The first one is good too. While this series is okay. I think three movies is enough. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I watch a lot of TV series that are horror based or scifi based. One series that I miss it Poltergeist: The Legacy. It was from the late nineties. The basic premise is the Legacy was an organization that basically saved the world from the things that go bump in the night. This was and still is one of my favorite series. I wish they would rerun the episodes somewhere. I was very sad when this series ended. This show dealt with vampires, werewolves, ghost and witches. I can't forget demons. Two of the members were even psychic. Maybe I will just have to find the series on DVD somewhere. I have looked at some sights but could not find it.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, Deceber 12, 2008

Some of you might think this is strange but I was thinking about killers or monsters in movies. I am not talking about ordinary killer or monsters. I am talking about the kind that is hard to kill, that keeps coming back. You probably know what I am talking about Freddy and Jason to name two.

Why is it that there is no woman killer like this? Women can slash and hack as well as a man. I think it would make it a little more scary if the killer was a woman. Don't go rolling your eyes. I am not preaching about equality in horror movies. I just think it is strange that there is no woman, hard to kill, bad person. It might be because women are seen as nurturing people. However, I think if someone made a movie with a hard to kill, come back fifty thousand times, woman killer it would be good. They could work so many angles that the other movies don't do. It is just a thought and I could be wrong.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today I want to talk about zombies. Zombie movies can be great or really stupid. Today most zombies in movies are really fast. Every single one of them is like a sprinter. Please most people never move that fast when they are alive.

I kind of the like the old zombies. You know the ones that are really slow. You could run circles around them and still get away. Someone on crutches could get away from them. The reason I like the old movies is because they are kind of funny. There is always some idiot that falls down and suddenly can't get off their butt fast enough. Then there is the stupid person that stays with a person who is bitten. Me personally, so sorry but you have to be by yourself. Not taking the chance you are going to eat me.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Micheal Myers from Halloween. Sorry if this is not how you spell his last name. Anyway, he is supposedly just a crazy evil man. What gets me is why it is so hard to kill this man and keep him dead? I mean he has been shot, stab and electrocuted. The man should have more holes in him than a sponge. Maybe I missed the movie where they said he was some demon or something, but I don't think so.

Micheal really hated his family. That is the crazy part. Apparently all the years in the institution didn't help him one bit. He needs medication, lol. After he didn't die after being shot so many times, why didn't anyone think of cremated him. They can't come back if their body is ash.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another remake, but not really. Night of the Demons is being remade. I really liked that movie. It had some moments that made me jump but that was when I was younger. If you don't know what this movie is about then I will tell you. Ten teens enter an abandoned funeral home and have a seance. That is always a bad idea. Nothing good ever comes of having a seance in a movie. One of the teens gets possessed by a demon and everything goes to hell.

The remake doesn't sound the same as the other movie. It isn't going to be a duplicate of the old movie. From what I can tell in this one demons need seven vessels in order to break an ancient curse. I don't know if there is a seance in this one but I think this Night of the Demons will be worth watching. At least, it sounds like that from what I have read.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday, December 05, 2008

One of the most stupid horror movies I have ever seen is Evil Dead: Army of Darkness. It might just be called Army of Darkness, I really don't care. It is so stupid it isn't even funny. I do not know why they made this film.

I do like one of the Evil Dead movies. It has been a long time since I saw them that I don't remember if it was the first or second one I like. Evil Dead isn't scary it just has some interesting looking make-up. I will admit that when I was a teenager it did scare me a little. Not enough to give me nightmares though.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Nightmare on Elm Street love this series. Some of them are very annoying. For example the third one. That is the one where it is based in a mental institution. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. This one was really cheesy to me.

Surprise, surprise someone is remaking this movie. It is still in pre-production. If they get someone else to play Freddy I am not sure it will be the same. Robert Englund is Freddy. Even now when I see him on television in another role, I am like that is Freddy. I know that he is a good actor and has played other roles but this is the one I know him for. I wonder how this one is going to be different. Maybe they will focus more on Freddy's story, you know how he became a monster that lives in dreams. As long as they don't try to make it less gory I will be fine. You can't have A Nightmare on Elm Street without the gore.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What is it with all the remakes? It seems that every eighties horror film is being remade. Don't get me wrong I see nothing wrong with remakes. Well as long as they don't dumb the movie down. You know what I mean. Make a R rated movie into a pg-13 movie.

I did not know this but they are remaking Poltergeist. Love that movie. It had great special effects. My favorite part is when the steak starts inching across the counter. Then it erupts with maggots. That freaks my sister out. I think it is cool. Another favorite part of the movie is when they open the door to the kid's room and toys are flying around the place. The toys are even playing, like the horse rearing.

Hopefully, the remake is as good as the original one. Everyone knows that sometimes remakes can bite the big one. Occasionally, the remake is better than the original movie. I would like to see more ghostly activity in the new one. Will they even follow basically the same plot line or will they go off in another direction? I will be waiting to see how they do this movie.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

There are two movies coming up in January that I want to see. I have seen the trailers for both of them and they look to be good movies. Actually, one movie I know for sure comes out in January but the other one might come out in February.

The first movie is called the Unborn. This movie looks like it might actually have some scary parts in it. It is about a girl who starts to be stalked for the lack of a better word by the angry spirit of her unborn twin bother. Apparently he wants to be born now.

The second movie is called the Uninvited. It is about this girl who goes home after her mother dies and her dad has a new girlfriend. She has dreams of children that warn her that her father's girlfriend isn't who she says she is. In the trailer it looks like she starts to get haunted by these children. While it looks to have ghostly elements it might just be a psychological thriller. Hopefully I am wrong about that. It doesn't seem to be scary but it does seem to be a good movie.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Werewolf movies. There aren't many good ones out there. The really old ones are laughable because the werewolf looks like someone who needs a shave. There are only two recent movies that have werewolves in them that I like. Those are The Curse and Underworld.

I will be honest. I didn't think I would like Underworld. Yet I did. The way the werewolves look is amazing. There is going to be another Underworld coming out in the future. I saw a trailer the other day. It is going to be about how the feud started in the first place. It looks good. I just wish that there was more movies with werewolves that don't look like a joke in them. If you haven't guessed werewolves are one of my favorite monsters. I do hate when they are killed though. I know there are a lot of B movies with werewolves in them. A lot of them are so lame it is painful to sit through them. Like vampires, werewolves sometimes get the short end of the stick in the movies.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

One of my all time favorite movies is Jurassic Park. It is one of the only movies I ever had seen that didn't make the dinosaurs look like ridiculous puppets or something. Plus I am really interested in dinosaurs. I really like the book too. It makes you wonder if that is actually possible. I also like this movie because it doesn't make the dinosaurs look stupid. My favorite part is when the raptor opens the door. Like the really old movies where the T-Rex's tail was dragging the ground.

Of the three movies, my favorite is the first one. However, the third one is good too. I think the third one is better than the second one. There is supposed to be a fourth Jurassic Park, too. I think the script is still being written. I must admit I am very curious as to how they are going to work this one. What is going to be the angle? Will there be any new dinosaurs in it?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Entity, one of the best ghost movies and books ever. For the record, I believe in ghosts. I actually had seen the Entity several times before I read it. You know they always leave stuff out. It is actually based on true events.

For a movie, that was made in 1981 the special effects were very good. If you don't know what the movie is about, it is about a woman who repeated gets raped and molested by an entity. It is not a movie for children. The only thing that bothers me about the movie is that she keeps going back to that psychiatrist even after her friend experiences the entity. Personally, it would piss me off for someone to tell me I am crazy for getting slapped around by a ghost.

I just found out that there is going to be a remake of The Entity. That is so cool. Usually, I am not so fond of remakes but hopefully they can make it even better than the first one. The special effects will be awesome. As far as I can find out they haven't yet made it. I think they are casting or in the process of writing the script.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

I am so mad. I was cleaning the other day and rearranged my videos and I can't find my dvd of Rose Red. I really like that movie. It doesn't really have any true scary movies in it but I like the variety of things in the film.

One of my favorite character's is Annie. I like the way the movie's ending is centered around her. I also like how she has psychic powers. One part that I think is strange is how at the end the Ellen and her maid look sort of like vampires. What was with that? I did enjoy the fact that the house was alive. Over all this is one of my favorite haunted house movies. That house was bad.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving. No movie talk today. The only horror I am thinking about today is the mountain of dishes I have to do later. I love the family get together but I could really use a maid to clean up afterward. Hope all of you have a Happy Holiday. Now I have to get back to cooking. Don't want to send anyone to the hospital for food poisoning. Just joking, I am a good cook. Got to go cut potatoes. Until tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today I want to talk about Journey to the Center of the Earth. The new one with Brendan Fraser. I actually saw it when it first came out. I must admit that it disappointed me. I actually like the older version better.

I thought that the movie needed more scenes in the center of the earth. Was it just me or did the majority of the movie happen getting to the center? It would have been really cool if the movie had more scenes with dinosaurs or other creatures that lived down there. I will admit that I really like the visual effects. It is an okay movie but I would not buy it to own.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Slasher movies, love them. A lot of them are very easy to make fun of though. One of my favorite slasher series is Friday the 13th. It really isn't scary at least to me. I do love that music that comes on when Jason is about to kill someone though.

One thing that I don't really get is how Jason became a grown man. He died when he was thirteen. In the first one the mother is the one that killed for revenge. I do believe one where his relatives are in they tried to explain it. Apparently, it was some evil force that possessed Jason. If you ask me that only confused matters though.

One of the most annoying things about slasher movies is that there are almost always woman in the woods in high heels. Come on!! Who wears high heels in the woods? The character deserves to die because they are so stupid. Personally, I would yank those things off and sprint to the next state, thank you. No crawling backwards on my butt!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Some times I notice very strange things in horror movies. My friends say that it is because I am a freak. Let me give you an example of the strange things I notice.

The first time I ever watched Jeepers Creepers 2, I notice that the creeper for the lack of a name for the monster has really nice eyes. I am talking about after he loses his head the first time. When he decapitates that boy and then they show his face his eyes are a very beautiful blue. If you have not noticed you might want to pay attention the next time you watch that movie.

When I commented it on his eyes, my sister told me that only a freak like me would notice that. I wasn't bored or anything. That movie is one of my favorites. Unlike a lot of sequels I think it is better than the first one.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today I want to talk about vampire movies. I am talking about the ones where the vamp is being hunted by some human. These movies bug the heck out of me. You know I love horror movies but come on. The vampire usually gets killed by the human.

If you think about it this is really stupid. The vampire is usually centuries old and the human maybe in his or her forties. The vampire is supposed to be stronger but that doesn't seem to matter. What did the vampire start out stupid as dirt and work his way up to just dumb as dirt? I know movies aren't real but they can at least make sense. I still watch these types of movies but I always root for the vampire. Besides the supposed hero is always annoying and one of those you root for to get killed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hello everyone. On this blog I will be discussing what I think of horror movies, books I read, and just generally my opinion on some of the monsters. Sometimes I will even discuss scifi movies.

I have always been a big fan of horror movies. My friends call me a freak because I am not scared by most movies. To be honest, the last movie that really scared me was the original Exorcist. I am talking about nightmares, holding your bible scared. That was when I was ten or twelve though. I think it was when I was ten. Technically I was not supposed to watch it but I stayed up late without my parents knowing it.

Occasionally movies today will make me jump. That does not happen very often though. Usually I just settle for making fun of my friends and family when they jump or scream. Even if the scary movie doesn't scare me I enjoy watching it.