Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, Deceber 12, 2008

Some of you might think this is strange but I was thinking about killers or monsters in movies. I am not talking about ordinary killer or monsters. I am talking about the kind that is hard to kill, that keeps coming back. You probably know what I am talking about Freddy and Jason to name two.

Why is it that there is no woman killer like this? Women can slash and hack as well as a man. I think it would make it a little more scary if the killer was a woman. Don't go rolling your eyes. I am not preaching about equality in horror movies. I just think it is strange that there is no woman, hard to kill, bad person. It might be because women are seen as nurturing people. However, I think if someone made a movie with a hard to kill, come back fifty thousand times, woman killer it would be good. They could work so many angles that the other movies don't do. It is just a thought and I could be wrong.

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