Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2008

I get a network called Chiller. It is supposed to be a channel that shows horror. Some of it is good. They show alot of the old horror series. There is this one series that I can't stand. It is called Scary but True. The reason I don't like it is they never so anything. The idea of the show was a good one but in all the ones that I have watched they have only shown pictures of some orbs. If they do a segment on a haunted house all they show is people talking. Hearing first hand stories is all good, but I would like to see some of what they saw, something. Even if it is evidence caught by someone else. Other than that show, most of the series I can watch. I love Tales from the Crypt.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I watched the movie Mirrors yesterday. It was a very good movie. I had forgotten all about it until I saw the commercials for the DVD last week. It is one of those movies where the first person who experiences something is kind of crazy, well other people think he is, so no one believe him. If I was him, I would be like yeah I am crazy where is my padded room with no reflective surfaces. I love the special effects of this one. The reason the mirrors were after him did not even come to me until the end. Usually, I can guess what or why the evil is doing what they are doing. I never guessed that the girl was possessed and the evil went into the mirrors. While I liked the movie I was kind of disappointed by the ending. The man gets trapped in the mirrors after he dies. Why? All the mirrors in that place was blown to pieces when the possessed woman died. I guess they are leaving it open for maybe another one. Not every movie needs to have a sequel.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I think I have talked about the Underworld movies before. Well if I you don't know I don't much care for the first movie. The second one was good. Now the third one is coming out. UnderWorld: Rise of the Lycons. It looks good. The more I see if it the more I want to go watch it.

Anyway I was watching the trailer last night and I had a thought. Why in the world would you make a slave out of something that could rip you apart while you slept? I mean honestly, the vampires have to sleep and the werewolves could just kill them while they sleep. It might work for awhile but then the werewolves would get tired of it. I know they touched on this story in the first one. So I am curious to see how it plays out. On the plus side there seems to be a lot of cute men in the movie. If it sucks at least there will be eye candy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wednesday, January 07, 2008

I watched a movie called Dark Floors recently. This movie gave me a headache. Honestly, I don't watch horror movies to figure out some deep hidden meaning. Parts of it was okay, but it was confusing. The special effects were good. I don't know about you but I watch a horror movie to hopefully at least be surprised but this was just annoying. To be honest with you sometimes I watch the really bad horror movies just to make fun of the characters. If you like trying to figure out the hidden meaning of a film that doesn't give you many clues than this film is for you. The whole time warp, live or dead thing got on my nerve. Needless to say I will not be watching this movie anymore.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 04, 2009

I watched a very good movie Friday night. It frustrated me though. The movie was Death of a Ghost Hunter. If you haven't seen it, it is about this house in Arizona that this family of four was found murdered in. It is called the Masterson house. Now the movie has some really good effects. First let me tell you that I am one of those people who believe in ghosts. The movie has a this is a true story kind of feel. That is what frustrated me. It makes you think that it is a true story but it isn't. After the movie, I was hoping to see some actual footage from Carter Simms. That is the name of the supposed ghost hunter in the movie. Let me tell you, don't even bother trying to find anything. All you will get is reviews on the movie. The Masterson house, well the one in the movie, doesn't exists. It would have been really cool if this was actually a true story but it wasn't. It was just some person's idea of a good movie. Yes it was a good movie but it could have been good without the true story feel.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I found another movie that I want to see. I saw the trailer to it yesterday on the web. Anyway the movie is called A Haunting in Connecticut. It looks like it will be a good movie. It is based on a true story. Horror movies based on a true story can either suck or be good. It depends on how it was made. I actually have seen a program on tv that I think this movie is based on I could be wrong. I have no idea when it is coming out. At the end of the trailer it said coming soon. It really annoys me when they do that.

Anyway I hope you have a great time tonight, counting down to the New Year. Yet again I want to say I am sorry for not posting frequently lately. My family has been here and I wanted to spend more time with them. So I cut the computer out of my routine. Talk to you in 2009.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

No horror talk today. I just hope you had a happy holiday with your family or whoever you were with. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I have been busy and totally forgot. I actually had a very good Christmas. I am so happy. I got the first season of Poltergiest: The Legacy. Am I the only one who thinks this time of year is hectic? Even if you have your shopping done, there is always something that comes up. Hopefully, I will get to post again before New Year but if I don't have a happy new years.